AR setter Joy Upshaw making up for lost time after injury year

Irene Obera (left) and Joy (green) bookend her AR 200.

Irene Obera (left) and Joy (green) bookend 200.

Lucky for Joy Upshaw that last Saturday’s Sierra Gold meet in NorCal was a first-rate operation, ready for her record-setting. In reply to a quickie Q&A, Joy began by saluting meet organizers: “First and foremost – a big thank you goes out to The Sierra Gold T&F Festival meet director Clyde Lehman, Anne King and all of their TRKAC Racing Team for coordinating and rallying terrific community volunteers. I was most impressed with their attention to detail with the signage, the friendly hospitality, the Welcoming Ceremony of the city officials and Taiko Drummers. ALL added to the good energy of the event. There were certified officials, water stations aplenty and the music throughout the meet was fantastic. The medals were nicely designed, too.â€Â 

Joy continued:

The meet management was terrific in making sure athletes — who would be possibly going for records — know that they had all forms, steel tapes, timing photos, set-ups in place. Share details of your events.

Joy Upshaw: Not many details. Just wanted to make sure hurdle marks were set correctly (which they were) and that my pals and I were hydrated with our Nuun (electrolyte drink) and stayed in the shade under our tent. It was so hot up there. (The meet director was mentioning about moving the start time up later so it would be a twilight meet next year.)

You knew where you were at Sierra Gold meet.

You knew where you were at Sierra Gold meet.

What was the order?

Long jump, 80-meter hurdles, 100 meters, triple jump, 200 meters.

How long between events?

I couldn’t tell you minute wise, but it was a long meet, so just kept being positive and watching/cheering other people in their races.

Your goals going into the meet?

Just to keep practicing/racing/enjoying the event.

I was hurt from August 2014 to April 2015, so coming back from that takes a while to get going again. 🙂

Were you surprised by the marks? 

No, because I have been racing a lot and working on my fitness and mechanics so the marks/times were about right.

What’s up next for you?
More Los Gatos all comers meets (which are great! Electronic timing/sanctioned/certified officials), masters nationals in Michigan (yay USA!), Vancouver (seems like that would be a good meet – hopefully get some of our friends/competitors from South America-NAACAC!) and planning on second week of our world champs in Perth.

Sierra Gold, Silver and Bronze in one cool medal.

Sierra Gold, Silver and Bronze in one cool medal.

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June 29, 2016

One Response

  1. Matt B. - June 29, 2016

    Great job Joy, and thanks for cheering myself and others on. Congratulations on AR.
    That would be ideal if the meet starts a couple hours later next year.

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