Winter Training
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Author:  tankertom [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Winter Training

Hi Gang,

As much as I hate to say it Winter is on its way. I've been sprint training most of this summer preparing for competition next summer. I'm looking for tips on how to keep up my training in the winter. There are no indoor tracks in my area, and the snow prohibits me from running outdoors here in western pa. What is the best way to keep in shape? Treadmills?

Author:  weia [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Winter Training

Much plyometrics is the first thing I think of.

Author:  runandsew [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Winter Training

Living here in Oregon I don't get winters that will really affect my training.

I would guess that there are several cardiovascular workouts you can do indoors and at a gym.
Spinning, exercise bikes, treadmills, stair climbers, deep water running in a pool are some that come to mind.

Author:  BMo [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Winter Training

Tanker - good question, one I've been considering for the past few weeks. Typically I switch over to training for and running 5k races in winter. I can get my racing fix as well as stay in shape. But, I have resolved to try another approach this year. I plan on my main focus being an increase in my overall strength (via weight training), doing a speed workout every 1-2 wks, plyos once a week, one cardio run per week, maybe some biking. I plan on being outside some in the winter. Cold and wet, yes, but generally no snow. I may still race a 5k now and then but have convinced myself that I need to be stronger to increase my overall speed. I have no idea how this will go, by the way. I've been wondering what the crazy-fast guys (Like Robert Thomas, Eric Prince, Khalid Mulazim, Ed Winslow, etc.) do in the winter. I think the answer is they keep racing in the indoor circuit but I don't know them well enough to ask. Anyway, keep doing something!

Author:  bowleggedlouie [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Winter Training

BMo - I'm friends with Fast Eddie. He lives within a short enough drive to a nice indoor facility that he does some "regular" speed workouts that most any other sprinters might do outdoors in the nice weather of the spring/summer. He also seems to be suited for the indoor track and takes advantage of living in the North East US where indoor seems to be fairly big. He has invited me to join him for workouts, but I live an additional 2 hours from him and, quite frankly, cannot hang with him anymore (I could maybe 5 years ago, but not lately).
As far as workouts in the Western PA winter. I have access to a small gymnasium 3x per week for an hour to do plyos. Obviously, indoor strength training is a key. I get outside whenever I can and do whatever the weather will allow. I have access to an outdoor track, so if it is not snow covered, put on some Cold Gear Under Armor, gloves, and hat and suck it up outdoors on the track for speed work. I always seem to need additional rest and cannot run as fast as I want with the cold weather and extra clothes, but the effort seems to be more important. When the track is covered, which can be for MONTHS at a time, I usually stick to hill workouts. I have 4 staple workouts: 30-40 meter hills, as fast as possible, 10 reps, 3 min rest or as much as I need. 10 x ~60 meter hills, as fast as I can do while running one hill per minute. Cemetery hills: (on a road to a cemetery) 3-8 reps up a hill ~ 130 m, 80-95% effort, 3-4:00 rest while walking back down. Lactic Acid hills: 2 (3 if I am crazy) x ~ 250 m at 90%+ effort, as much rest as I need without freezing my hind parts off (8-15 minutes). The other option is try to get into a local school after hours (I'm a teacher and have keys, like to go on Sundays for a quality workout) and sprint in the hallways. The hills on roads and sprints in the hallways are rough on the legs, so I need more rest days than tougher guys or a younger version of myself needed.
I hope that helps. My best advice is to get the most out of the fall weather and get some quality in at least once per week. My best seasons I religously ran my guts out one day per weekend all fall until the snow fell.

Author:  tankertom [ Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Winter Training

Thanks Guys,

Some great advice. My plan was to try and workout outdoors until we get snow cover. Hopefully it won't be like last winter, at times it snowed almost everyday. I also plan on hitting the weight room and treadmills. Can't wait for next spring. I got my grandson involved in the junior program and didn't even know I could compete until late April. I've been trying to get back in shape ever since. Having some problems with my heels they get pretty sore.

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