Starting over age 65
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Author:  danw34 [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

I've been having some Gout flare ups in my left ankle the last couple of days so riding has been out. Went to the gym this afternoon and did the following:

Warm up: Bench Press 10x135, Lat Pulls 10x90, Leg Press 10x200
Then in a 5 rep circuit for time: Lat pulls 5x120, Bench Press 8x180, Leg Press 12x225, and Core ABs 15 Crunches. Total time was 7:33. This time is a few seconds slower than the last time but I increased the Bench from 165 to 180 and felt a little difference. Leg Press could go higher as well as the Lat Pulls. Also could use more weight on the Crunches. But overall, it's still a tough workout when done for time. Maybe go back to original WO and see if I can beat the time of 7:15............ah but that's another

Author:  danw34 [ Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Gout is much better today. Played golf in the morning....not bad....can't putt. Tonight I went to the gym and did the following:

Bench Press 15x135, Lat Pulls 15x90, Leg Press 15x200.
The Incline DB Press @ 40s, Seated Cable Rows @ 140, Leg Press @ 225 for 21, 15, 9 reps. No rest. Kept moving through out the workout. NO time on the WO but kept pushing through it. After the circuit, I took about two minutes rest and the hit the Bench Press for 5x225. Felt pretty good afterwards. Knees felt good and ankle was OK. Tomorrow I will try to get a ride in and see how that feels.

Author:  danw34 [ Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Felt a little stiff and sore from yesterday's workout but hit the Bike for 13.2 miles. Felt good and got rid of the soreness. Did 5-6 x 1/2 mile accelerations, pushing it pretty good. Was winded after the last couple of reps and took some extra time spinning to recover. Thighs felt good to get the burn.
Tomorrow will be an easy ride and see how I feel to start a new week.

Author:  danw34 [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Great Day!!!! Shot an 85 while playing golf....made some putts...a lot of them and then hit the Bike for 14.1 miles in a very strong ride. Hit several PRs along the way. Opening 4.8 miles, previous best was 17:45, and today I hammered a 16:32. Was pretty spent after that effort but still finished very strong. Must have been my Finished with some Core ABs. Didn't hit my weekly goal for the Bike but still it was a good week for what I did. Weight is still holding steady....looking for it to drop soon....I hope.

Author:  danw34 [ Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Yesterday was a planned rest day. Today I hit the Bike for 17.7 miles with some very strong tempo while riding. Had a couple of second best marks for some timed segments while not really trying to go hard. I'm in a pretty good training situation right now. I seem to be stronger than before and hitting marks when not trying to go fast. Tonight I hit the gym for the following:
Bench Press 10x135 and Lat Pulls 10x90 as a warm up.
Bench Press 4x10x180
Lat Pulls 4x10x120
These were done as a Super Set on the 1:15 mark. Got a wee bit tired on the last sets, but a good workout.

Tomorrow I will ride with the boys and hope to get a solid 14-15 miles done....we'll see.

Author:  danw34 [ Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Was hoping for a solid ride today and then do Legs.....ah.....good plans get scraped. Rode 8.8 miles this AM with the boys....felt like I did 30. Legs were sore, Back was sore, Chest was sore. Ached all over. Guess I did too much yesterday. Pushed some heavier gears yesterday and felt it in my legs today. Wanted to do more but just took the rest of the day as rest. See how I feel tomorrow. Its suppose to be a rest day, but I may get a ride and Legs tomorrow......will have to see how the body feels. If I workout tomorrow then Friday will be rest.

Author:  danw34 [ Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

When I wanted to ride today.....storms came I went to the gym and did the following:

Spin Bike for 30 minutes with 8x30 seconds accelerations, 90 seconds rest. Pretty hard.
Leg Press 8x10x200 with 30 seconds rest. Good finisher to the Spin Bike.

Overall, a good workout today. Felt much better today than yesterday. Have golf in the AM tomorrow....see how I feel after that. May try for an easy ride. Weight is holding around 220....give or take a pound.

Author:  danw34 [ Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Played golf yesterday and that was it. Legs were a little sore from Thursday night's workout.

Today, I put a solid 18.3 miles on the Bike and felt pretty good. Tempo was strong and steady. Legs felt pretty good after I got going. Overall, I feel pretty good at this point. Weight has been steady and knees feel good for the most part. Need to stay consistent with my training and sprinkle rest days into the mix to avoid injury.

Author:  danw34 [ Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Played golf this AM.....lost it after 13 holes. The heat and humidity were oppressive. Felt terrible. Came home, took a nap, and hit the Bike for a strong 7.3 miles. Hit my weekly goal of 60 miles. Felt exhausted after the ride. Think tomorrow will be a rest day.....see how I feel.

Author:  danw34 [ Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Rode 16.7 miles today and hit a couple of PRs along the way. Felt really strong in the beginning of the ride but the heat got to me towards the end. Still hung in and had a good ride. Went to the gym tonight and did the following:
Bench Press 10x135, Lat Pulls 10x90, as a warm up. Then did 15, 12, 10, 8 reps on the Bench and Lats. Bench was 165 and the Pat Pulls were 105. No rest between exercises. Back to Back. Good intensity. I was tired after riding and I pushed through it. Overall, a good start to the week. Try to get Legs in tomorrow after a shorter Bike ride.

Author:  danw34 [ Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Was going to do more today but ran into an unfriendly wasp. Rode 12.5 miles on an easy ride before I got stung. Really burned. Forgot what its like to get

Author:  danw34 [ Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Rode a solid 18.5 miles on the Bike, decent tempo the whole ride. Took a rest and then went to the gym and did the following:
Lat Pulls 10x90, Bench Press 10x135, Leg Press 10x200 for a warm up. Then did 5 circuits of Lat Pulls 5x135, Bench Press 8x185, Leg Press 12x245, and Core ABs Crunches x 15. No rest....finished in 8:35. I upped the weights on all the exercises and felt it as I progressed through the rounds. Took a bit longer than I thought but I was really tired after the Bike ride. Good work today. The weight is holding below 220...actually 218 for the last three days....getting there.

Author:  danw34 [ Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Took yesterday as a rest day. Played decent golf in the morning and rested the rest of the day. Today, I hit the Bike for a good 15.5 miles. Had good tempo through out the ride and finished strong. Weight was down to 217.4 this AM....even better. Have really been watching what I eat and the wife has me trying to be gluten you know how much I miss real Must be drinking 100-120 ounces of fluid a day. Has me in the bathroom a lot and I lose a bunch during my rides. It also keeps me from eating too much. Most hunger, I read, is caused by lack of fluids....trying to combat that by drinking a lot.

Author:  danw34 [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Played some golf yesterday, but other than that, it was a rest day. Today, I hit the Bike for 18.5 miles with an average speed of 16+ mph. Felt really strong and fast. Legs were good. Best effort for that distance yet as far as tempo and speed. Tonight I went to the gym and did the following:
Bench 10x135, Lat Pulls 10x90 warm up.
Then 21, 15, 9 reps on the Bench at 165 and Lat Pulls at 105. No rest between sets or exercises. The weights could have been higher.....but I was really tired after the ride. Still a good workout. Weight has been steady at 218 this morning. Makes about 4-5 days that I'm under 220.... that's a win.

Author:  danw34 [ Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting over age 65

Yesterday was a solid 17.1 miles on the Bike. Felt really good even tough it was really hot....its

Today I went to the gym and did the following:
Bench Press 10x135, Lat Pulls 10x90, Leg Press 10x200 as a warm up. Then 21, 17, 14, 9 reps of Incline DB Press x 40s, Seated Cable Rows x 140, Leg Press x 245, and Crunches. No rest, continuous movement. Good work in a short time. Looking back, I could have raised the weights on all the exercises. Will do that next time. Will take the rest of the day as rest. Hoping tomorrow to get a good ride in before the

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