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Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:06 pm

Junior Masters Athlete
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:49 pm
Posts: 5

Hi All,

Woke up one morning at the age of 53 and discovered I was born to sprint! I've never run before in my life & I gotta say I LOVE doing this!

I've been training on my own for a few months on 100m, 200m & 400m- getting back into cardio-vascular shape, doing sprint drills, plyometrics, weight-training, etc. & I'M HAVING A BLAST!!!! My times are slow but they are improving.

My problem is I can't find anyone or any clubs around here (Berkeley, CA) for middle-aged women who sprint. I've combed the internet and can only find distance runners my age. Am I just a very rare breed?

Any tips on where to find other older women sprinters and coaches who train the likes of us? I know I can only go so far on my own & I really want to take this as far as I can.

Thanks so much for any tip or clues!

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Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:35 am

Senior Masters Athlete
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Hi and Welcome to Masters!!

I live in NJ so can't really help other than suggest that if you are on facebook there are several Master's groups that may be able to help you.

My only advice is to not do to much too soon or you may end up watching more meets than you run in.

Renee Henderson

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Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:30 am

Junior Masters Athlete
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Thanks so much for the tip Renee. I'll check facebook & see who's my area.

And as far as taking it easy, my bod is definitely making sure I do that! I think this is the first time in my life I've realized I'm just not as young as I used to be. :wink:

It's all good, though!

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Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:28 pm

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The same is true for my area here in NW Florida. There are several clubs that focus on distance running but zero clubs that focus on track and field events. Also, personal trainers in the area are not used to training masters athletes and may push a little hard. I have had many injuries over the past few years by training too hard or too much. So, Renee is right, take it slow and listen to your body.

USATF has a masters site and the National Senior Games along with local and state senior games may help. You also might want to subscribe to National Masters News, if you haven't already.

Good luck to you and stay healthy,


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Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:55 pm

Junior Masters Athlete
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Hi Tony,

Thanks so much for your response and advice. I've checked out the USATF site and did find an open age club locally that runs middle distances and could help me train for an 800m... not exactly what i"m looking for but I'm getting closer.

Unfortunately, you and Rene are downright psychic because I'm already laid up with stress injuries to my lower legs. UGH! I guess I really didn't understand until now that I really am NOT 20 anymore. Live and learn... I just can't run every day or every other day. I must allow my ol' bod to recover and repair. You guys were so right!

Though I still haven't found a local coach, I'm becoming my own expert on how hard and how frequent to train. But I could really use the help with the proper form for getting out of the blocks quickly and pacing during the race.... I'll keep putting out feelers and doing the best I can (starting with getting back to 100% health) and I'm sure I'll find the folks like me who love sprinting.

Thanks again for your response, Tony.

Happy running!

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Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:48 am

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Robert McDaniels is a masters hurdler that lives in the SF Bay area. He is the Founder and Director of MacCanDo Track Club. I contacted him to get his permission to post his contact info on this forum. Although his club is primarily a youth club, he would be happy to work with you. His contact information is below. Welcome to Masters Track & Field.

Thad Wilson

Mr. Robert McDaniels
Founder and Director
MacCanDo Tenderloin Youth Track Club
P.O. Box 420455
San Francisco, CA 94142
(510) 375-2380

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Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:44 am

Junior Masters Athlete
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Hi Thad,

Thank you so much for referring me to Robert! This is really exciting news! I'll be in touch with him.

All the best,

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Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:09 am

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Hi Jeannette,

I sent you a private message on this forum.

Renee Henderson

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Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:08 pm

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Welcome to Masters Track! I'm a little late but if you haven't found a coach or club that works for you I would suggest Aaron Thigpen. He is in the Bay area and owns a training company named Gamespeed. He coached me when I started and really helped a lot. He also runs Masters Track so he is very familiar with what the older body needs. I still use him on a limited basis only because I live in Chicago. If I lived out there I would use him every week!. He's a great coach and a great guy!

Best wishes!
Jason Purcell

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Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:04 pm

Junior Masters Athlete
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Thank you so much for passing along the contact info for Aaron.

As so many folks on this forum and others had cautioned me, I did indeed do to much to soon & am slowly coming back from an injury. I'm ready now to get back to it, SLOWLY, and Aaron sounds like the perfect person to get in touch with.

Thanks again,

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