Michigan memories: Hall of Fame inductions highlight banquet

About 250 people attended the Athletes Banquet at Michigan nationals July 15. Meal was OK, but a first-ever ceremony was exceptional — 14 members of the USATF Masters Hall of Fame forming a reception line to greet 2015 inductees Phil Brusca, George Mathews and Oscar Peyton. (It starts 9:50 into tape.) The video includes the comic stylings of Gary Snyder, overseeing his final masters nationals as USATF national masters chair. Actually, he offered some substantive info on Perth worlds, so check out the start of video. At the end of video is a portion of Robert Thomas’ remarks after he announces his run for national chair.

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July 25, 2016

5 Responses

  1. Bert Bergen - July 25, 2016

    How come no mention of Athlete of the Year Awards presented at banquet ? Athlete of the week got well deserved spread .

  2. Mary Harada - July 25, 2016

    About time there was a public presentation of the MHOF awards. In the past the award just showed up in the mail and publication of new members happened maybe somewhere at some point in time. While there will never be a physical place to place photos of members, a public awarding is good.
    As for Athlete of the Year award – one step at a time I guess – a good start for the MHOF.

  3. Ken Stone - July 25, 2016

    Hi, Mary.

    I wasn’t able to shoot video and stills at the same time.

    Here are shots of Athletes of the Year and age-group award winners on Google Drive:

    I covered Athletes of the Year when names were announced:

    Anselm and Irene weren’t at Michigan nationals to get their awards.

  4. Bert Bergen - July 25, 2016

    Shots of Athlete of year who was in attendance , Kathy Bergen , as well as age group winners do not come up .

  5. Dr Mary - July 27, 2016

    aloha Ken
    thank you so much for taking the time to video the Hall of Fame award presentation. This was my first attempt to recognize the winners and I am glad to see it was well received.I have tried to get at least the names of those in the Masters Track and Field Hall of Fame into the Track and Field Hall of Fame at the Armory. It would just be one page and could be framed and added to the Track and Field Hall of Fame collection, but to date have not been able to move the Armory to include the list. I have not given up, if anyone can lend their support for my request please feel free to ask on behalf of the MTF Hall of Fame.
    thanks again for all your help and support for Masters Track and Field

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