Phil Raschker is featured interview in new GeezerJock

Phil “The Legend” Raschker may be overexposed, but it’s always fun to read about her, especially when she has to deal with issues everyone else does: injury adversity. At San Sebastian, she couldn’t finish the W55 hep — but still won silver. A Chicago Sun-Times writer talked to Phil about how she dealt with not winning a gazillion world medals, and also picked up insights into her training and comeback plans for W60. (She can barely jog now, she says.)

Meanwhile, in the Geezerjock letters section, a Bill Haddox of Jackson, Mississippi, wrote:
Way too much emphasis on track and field sports — in our culture, individual sports are not valued as much as team sports. In my view, the real stories are not the exceptional individual jocks, but rather the everyday guys/gals that play their sport on a daily or weekly basis. Anyway keep up the mag. It is usually enjoyable. I am 63.
Deal with it, Bill.
Track is the No. 1 sport, donchaknow?

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February 23, 2006

One Response

  1. Mary Harada - February 24, 2006

    what do you mean Phil is “overexposed” – you make her sound like a sunbather who has spent far too much time in the sun. She will be back – count on it -her competitors better take advantage of her absence at the start line as she will be back winning all the golds before long.
    And as for “far too much emphasis on Track and Field” ha ha ha indeed. Some of us track junkies are out there day in and day out, week after week, “playing” our sport – unlike the weekly golfers, tennis players etc. gimme a break.

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