San Diego USATF offers $500 stipends for newbies at nationals

Steve the K

Steve the K

Steve Kleinstuber, director of the June 28 Chuck McMahon masters meet north of San Diego, reports that the San Diego-Imperial USATF association is offering a pair of $500 stipends to help local USATF members attend Winston-Salem nationals in July. This is part of the initiative to get first-timers to nationals. National Masters News, in its June issue, provided more details: If you’ve never competed at an indoor or outdoor nationals, you’re eligible for grants. They vary by time zone — Easterners get $75, Central $100, Mountain $125 and Pacific $150. In addition, the LOC (local organizing committee) is offering 50 percent discounts on the entry fee “for a limited number of first-timers.” For details, email Bonnie Bernat. You can contact Steve on the San Diego offer via this page. Don’t leave money on the table!

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June 5, 2014

4 Responses

  1. mike travers - June 5, 2014

    USATF-New England and Mass Velocity TC have each awarded a $500 stipend to “1st timers” to compete at Nationals in Winston-Salem, NC.

  2. Kelly - June 6, 2014

    Wow! That’s great. It may be just the push people need to go.

    I wish that had been available when I ran my first one (although it was “local” and I drove down with my 5 year old and stayed at a friend’s house). I’ve only done 3 total, but financially they are out of reach unless my hometown has one — and it won’t –l (and even then, the entry fee is pretty high). Even if I loved track, I can’t afford to run these any more. Hopefully, some of the newbies will get hooked and keep doing them. It’s nice that the associations are offering incentives!

  3. Jeff Davison - June 8, 2014

    Many locations have high school all comers meets which are typically low cost meets.
    Usually Jan, Feb time frame.
    Great hanging with the high schoolers.
    Many meet directors (coaches) will accommodate masters.

  4. George Mathews - June 11, 2014

    Pacific Northwest Association Masters Committee has also offered an additional $500 for newbies to go to National meet even though it conflicts with 20 year on this weekend Seattle Masters Classic meet.

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