Should USATF have a hotline to report masters drug cheats?

Stephen is a thrower.

Stephen is a thrower.

M75 lawyer Stephen Cohen is chair of the USATF Masters Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Committee, and doping is part of his annual region coordinator report, included here for the annual meeting. Stephen writes: “There was little opposition to Drug Testing at the Masters Region Championships (at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin) with one donation to promote Masters Region drug testing. One participant, however, objected to the extra cost of drug testing, another thought drug testing was a waste of money, and another stated ‘nobody cares at this age. We hardly train. It’s only for the PR’ and the most pro-active statement was ‘there should be drug testing. I know someone who is taking steroids and competes.'” Which begs the question: Why not report drug cheats? Yeah, I know this opens a Pandora’s box of privacy issues. But if genuine cheating is taking place, why be coy? Tell somebody (and bring some proof)! Others can sort out the logistics and legalities.

Stephen continues:

With the addition of region surcharges, I can state, as Chairperson of the Masters Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Committee, that I expect that one or more Region Masters Indoor and/or Outdoor Championships may be designated for Drug Testing in 2017.

Individuals testing of Masters Athletes setting National or International records could be tested out of competition and are encouraged to seek voluntary drug testing within 48 hours of a record setting event in order to give authenticity to the athlete’s record and rule out the possible use of illegal substances by the record setting athlete.

It is important that all Masters Athletes make sure their fellow athletes understand that Drug Testing could affect any Masters Athlete engaging in competition at a USATF sanctioned event including the National or Region Championships — not just winners or those setting a record, but anyone that the USADA representative may designate.

All Masters athletes should check the USADA website, get a USADA drug handbook, check out any medications being used, check the ingredients in over the counter medications (ie, Sudafed), and, if one needs a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), apply for it early rather than waiting until the last minute or after testing positive.

And, if you have a TUE and it expires or is about to expire and you are still using the same medication or the substance still may remain in your system, renew your TUE.

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November 18, 2016

11 Responses

  1. Milan Jamrich - November 19, 2016


  2. anonymous - November 19, 2016

    USADA already has one! Google “USADA Play Clean Tip Center” to find out how to rat people out.

  3. Michael D Walker - November 19, 2016

    I vote NO as well.

  4. Ken Stone - November 19, 2016

    Ah so!

  5. Keith McQuitter - November 19, 2016

    easy to find the ones with fast times posted in ranking but never show at nationals or wma

  6. Weia Reinboud - November 20, 2016

    I did not know that USADA had that, but I see my country has it too and so maybe many countries? Also UCI (cycling federation) has it. With choice to report anonymous or with name.

  7. David E. Ortman (M63), Seattle, WA - November 20, 2016

    Well, not a problem for the Northwest. We have never had a Northwest Regional Masters Indoor Championship and the Northwest Regional Masters Outdoor Championships haven’t been held for the last two years, with nothing on the schedule for 2017.

  8. A. Lorraine Tucker - November 21, 2016


  9. Nick White - November 22, 2016

    So if not going to a nationals or worlds despite good marks is a sign of drug use, I guess you can put my name on the list. I can not justify the cost to attend these meets when I can find better competition within a 3 hour drive from home.

  10. Ken Stone - November 22, 2016

    Fessing up: Reason I run so slow is to avoid being drug-tested!

  11. Gary England - January 1, 2017

    I opposed the way the original program for the open athletes was set up and this one is no different.

    The athlete is still being financially charged to be subjected to a program that presumes their guilt.

    At the masters level if a person needs to take a drug that happens to be on a huge list of drugs that is way overboard for anyone they should.

    It’s masters, we are paying to compete already, it’s not for money.

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