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Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:07 pm

Master Masters Athlete
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:50 pm
Posts: 96
Location: Colorado

Training Journal Day 9:

Static stretching (AM/PM): ALL - 2 sets @ 30 sec hold
Achilles Tendon

Weight Training Cycle B:

Machine Squat
1x10 @ 470 lbs

Leg Extension
1x10 @ 145 lbs

1x10 @ 235 lbs

Cable x-over
1x10 @ 70 lbs

Bench Press
1x10 @ 210 lbs

Overhand Pullups
2x10 @ Body Weight

Overhead Shoulder Press
1x10 @ 115 lbs

2x10 @ Body Weight

Calf Press
1x10 @220 lbs

Chair Leg Raise

Weight Training only today - only had a short window to get some work in. I felt really good overall. My lifting strength continues to improve nicely. It will be interesting to how much is retained when I modify my weight training cycles in a few weeks with some new exercises. Back to the track tomorrow (tempo runs).
Happy Training!

All-time personal bests
TJ - 15.57m
LJ - 6.52m

Masters (M40) personal bests
TJ - 11.97m
LJ - 5.36m
HJ - 1.50m
60m - 7.97s
60m H - 10.98s
200m - 26.70s

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:34 pm

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Well Training Day 9, 10, and 11 turned into unexpected rest days due to that little thing called Life and a Job that got in the way......I guess that is the life of a track hobbyist.

Anyway got back to the track on Training Day 12:

Static stretching*: ALL - 2 sets @ 30 sec hold
Achilles Tendon

Acceleration Phase Training -

Tempo Runs

2x2x (100m, 50m, 50m, 100m)
1x 100m

You may have noticed the unevenness in this session. It was supposed to be 3x3x (100m, 50m, 50m, 100m) however, I am not quite in good enough shape to execute the entire session without a significant breakdown in form. So I just shut it down early rather than risk re-injury or commit bad form to muscle memory. As I have promised myself - I am going to do this the right way this time.

Since it is a Saturday, I will have a PM session as well at the gym - gotta get that weightlifting in!

Happy Training!


Weight Training: (isolated leg excercises modified due to injury recovery)

Upright Seated Leg Press
1x10 @290lbs (R)
1x10 @290 lbs (L)

Stiff-Leg Deadlift
1x10 @ 225 lbs

Standing Leg Curl
1x10 @ 65 lbs (L)
1x10 @ 60 lbs(R)

Incline Bench
1x6 @ 165 lbs
1x10 @ 145 lbs

Row Machine
1x10 @ 190 lbs

Straigt Arm Pulldown
1x10 @ 75 lbs

Barbell Bicep Curl
1x7 @ 80 lbs

Calf Raise
1x10 @ 45lbs

Torso Rotation
1x10 @ 150 lbs

Really felt the effects of sprint training earlier in the day.......surprisingly, it was the upper body exercises that were impacted the most. Really sore this morning, so I will see how I feel this afternoon before deciding if Sunday will be a rest day or not.

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Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:25 pm

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Training Day 13, 14 turned into rest days as well. I am well rested to say the least.

Training Day 15 -

General Conditioning Circuit (Total Body):
All exercises @ 2 sets by 30sec or 10 reps minimum

Squat Jumps
Kettle Bell Squat and Swings
Tuck Jumps
Squat Thrusts
High Knees
Fast Feet on Box
Jumping Jacks
Alternating Split Squats

Felt somewhat sluggish at the start of the session, but was able to finish strong once I got my body in motion. Still amazed at lack of any "spring" or " jump stiffness" in my legs.....this is going to take awhile.

Happy Training!

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Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:39 pm

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Training Day 16 -

Static stretching (AM/PM): ALL - 2 sets @ 30 sec hold

Dynamic stretching:
Easy strides - 2x100m
High Skips - 2x50m
Side Straddle - 2x50m
Toy Soldier - 2x50m
Leg Lifts - 2x10

6x30m (1 min rest)
(2 min rest b/t sets)

Felt great during today's session. Will need to find a hill with a steeper incline in a few weeks. Tweaked my left hamstring on the last 20m sprint. It was self-inflicted.....trying to "power" through that last rep instead of just making sure I had a mechanically sound sprint. Well, I am off to Disney World next week and will be taking the whole week off from training - having fun with the family. Hoping that slight tweak will get better over the
week so I can get back to training w/o any limitations. Please let my training notes be a lesson to ya......go easy, listen to the body, be smarter than I am demonstrating at the moment.

Happy Training!

All-time personal bests
TJ - 15.57m
LJ - 6.52m

Masters (M40) personal bests
TJ - 11.97m
LJ - 5.36m
HJ - 1.50m
60m - 7.97s
60m H - 10.98s
200m - 26.70s

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Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:35 pm

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Training Day 30
My one week off turned into 2 weeks. Such is the life of a track hobbyist I guess. Now its time to get back to work.

Static stretching: ALL - 2 sets @ 30 sec hold

Warm Up -
400m Skip
Hamstring stretch
Lying Figure Four
Skip - cross arms/clap back
Knee to Chest Quad stretch
Acceleration 30m @ 70%
C Skip x 20m
Bi-directional Carioca x 30m
A skip
Acceleration 30m @ 75%
Backwards run 2 x 30m
Acceleration 3 x 30m

Plyo Series:

Bunny Hop 2 x (5 x 20m)
Power Skips for Height 3 x 30m
Standing (Broad) Long Jump 2 x 5
Linear hopping series R/L 2 x 20m

Weight Training (Cycle B)

Deadlift (Power Clean prep)
2 x 10 @ 135lbs

Single Leg DB Squat
5 x 5 @ 0lbs

Lying Single Leg Curl

DB Incline Bench
1 x 10 @ 30lbs
1 x 10 @ 40lbs


Reverse Delt Fly
1 x 10 @50lbs
1 x 10 @70lbs

Prayer Curls

Calf Raise
2 x 10 @90lbs

Hanging Leg Raise
2 x 12

I am still stunned at the total lack of "spring" in my legs. I felt like I could barely get off the ground during my single leg hop series - much less handle the forces on landing. I can truly see that I had no business participating in a meet without training. As it stands now, my expectations for March will be tempered. More and more, I believe that this entire year may turn into a Giant General Prep Phase to get my body "conditioned" for competition in 2013. And yes, I am going to be extremely sore in the morning.

This training session took me about 2.5 hours - obviously I will not be able to execute 6 training days at this intensity. My plan will be to have no more that 2 (possibly 1) of these high intensity sessions per week. Overall, I will get in 4 to 5 training days a week. No way I can do 5 days like this - I simply do not have the time and my body could not take it anyway. Actually, now I have a real appreciation for the amount of work I use to put in when I was in college. Man, can't believe the things we take for granted when we were young! LOL!

Happy Training!

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Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:24 am

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Ace - I think you will see a significant positive change in the spring in your legs / acceleration / max speed around 8-12 weeks of consistant training. Eight weeks is when I usually notice that I am actually starting to resemble something that looks like sprinting. Keep at it - stay healthy.


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Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:31 am

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bowleggedlouie wrote:
Ace - I think you will see a significant positive change in the spring in your legs / acceleration / max speed around 8-12 weeks of consistant training. Eight weeks is when I usually notice that I am actually starting to resemble something that looks like sprinting. Keep at it - stay healthy.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will definitely keep grinding. Quick question for you....what type of training do you put in during the winter months? I know that my opportunities to get on the track are quickly coming to an end. I do have access to an indoor gym w/ a turf field - problem is it only gives me a 20-30m sprint opportunity. I plan on jumping in a "spinning" class once or twice a week as well - just dreading losing all of those good training months due to the snow/cold.

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Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:11 pm

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If you have 20-30 meters of indoor, I would spend my time primarily working on acceleration and plyos / jumping exercises / general strength circuits. If you feel the need to get longer distances in, either sprint up & back (which I hate to do, but have done before) or dress really warm and go outside.

I usually do some running drills / plyometrics on MWF, followed by some type of running - usually with a theme (acceleration, max velocity, extensive tempo, intensive tempo, special endurance, strength). The running is often outside unless I can arrange my workout for when the hallways are unoccupied. Even at that, the hallways seem just as hard on my legs, just not as cold as the asphalt outside. T-R are lifting / circuit days for general strength and recovery. Saturday is either a Honeydo day or power lifting day (the power lifting is much easier). Sunday is either a rest day or what I call a "flush" day - easy activity to flush out the system. I usually end up missing one or more days per week, so sometimes the weekend days end up being 'catch-up' days.


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Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:35 pm

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Training Day 31 - Blissful Rest

Training Day 32 -

Static stretching: ALL - 2 sets @ 30 sec hold

Warm Up -
400m Skip
Hamstring stretch
In-place spiderman x 10 each leg
Loose skip arms clap front/cross back
Lying Figure Four
Scoops x 30m
Skip - cross arms/clap back
Spiderman on the move x 10 each leg
Knee to Chest Quad stretch
Acceleration 30m @ 70%
C Skip x 20m
Bi-directional Carioca x 30m
Front Leg swing 2 x 10 each leg
A skip (for rythym) 2 x 15m
Acceleration 30m @ 75%
Backwards run 2 x 30m

Total Body Circuit Workout 2 x 30sec

Weight Training (Cycle A)

Leg Curls - 2x10 @ 40lbs
Twisted Lunge - 3x5 @ 10lbs
Hyper Ups - 2x10 @ 10lbs
Upright Row - 2x10 @ 35lbs
Single Arm Pulldowns - 2x10 @ 70lbs
Dips - 2x10
Stdg Shoulder Press - 2x10 @ 55lbs
Leg Extension - 2x10 @ 60lbs
Wtd Twist Situps skipped
Hanging Leg Lifts - 2x10
Russian Twists - skipped
Windmills - 1x10 @ 5lbs

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:52 pm

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Training Day 34 -

Warm Up (Tempo Run)

Acceleration phase work
5x10m (1 min recovery)
5x20m (1:30 min)
5x30m (1:30 min)

Weight Training (Power A)

High Pulls
5x5 @ 55lbs

Front Squat
5x5 @ 35lbs

4x5 @ 135

Hanging Leg Lifts

Decent session today. Acceleration work ended with a slight tweak of the hamstring again on the last rep. I definitely need to temper the aggressiveness of my approach on that last run - the "finish strong" attitude is causing me to over-extend my stride length. Will make a conscious effort from now on to "finish smart". Slowly making my way through this lactic acid cycle and starting to feel good.

Happy Training!

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:58 pm

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bowleggedlouie wrote:
If you have 20-30 meters of indoor, I would spend my time primarily working on acceleration and plyos / jumping exercises / general strength circuits. If you feel the need to get longer distances in, either sprint up & back (which I hate to do, but have done before) or dress really warm and go outside.

I usually do some running drills / plyometrics on MWF, followed by some type of running - usually with a theme (acceleration, max velocity, extensive tempo, intensive tempo, special endurance, strength). The running is often outside unless I can arrange my workout for when the hallways are unoccupied. Even at that, the hallways seem just as hard on my legs, just not as cold as the asphalt outside. T-R are lifting / circuit days for general strength and recovery. Saturday is either a Honeydo day or power lifting day (the power lifting is much easier). Sunday is either a rest day or what I call a "flush" day - easy activity to flush out the system. I usually end up missing one or more days per week, so sometimes the weekend days end up being 'catch-up' days.

Thanks for the advice. Great training plan you have put together as well. I will definitely add elements of your plan to my winter season workout. Hopefully we get a chance to meet someday....In the meantime, let's keep other on task.

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Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:28 pm

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Training Day 35 - Rest Day

Training Day 36

Warm Up (Tempo Run)


Jump rope (fast feet) 2x30sec
Bunny hops 2x30sec
Buttkick jumps 2x30sec
180s 2x10
Rocket jumps 2x30sec
Speed skaters 2x10
Wideouts 2x30sec
squat jumps 1x10

Weight Training (Power B)

High Pulls (Snatch setup)
5x5 @ 60lbs

Snatch Squat
5x5 @ 55lbs

SL Deadlift
5x5 @ 135

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Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:15 pm

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Training Day 37 - Rest Day

Training Day 38

Warm Up (Tempo Run)

General Conditioning Circuit (Total Body):
All exercises @ 2 sets by 30sec or 10 reps minimum

Squat Jumps
Tuck Jumps
Squat Thrusts
High Knees
Fast Feet on Box
Jumping Jacks
Alternating Split Squats

Got a late start today so had to cut my workout short. Overall, I felt pretty good during this session. I can tell that the 30 sec
rest b/t reps is really starting to challenge my cardio conditioning - hope to start seeing some gains in that area over the next

Happy Training!

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Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:00 pm

Master Masters Athlete
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Training Day 39 - Rest Day

Training Day 40

Warm Up (Tempo Run)

Plyo Series:

Bunny Hop 2 x (5 x 20m)
Power Skips for Height 3 x 30m
Standing (Broad) Long Jump 2 x 5
Linear hopping series R/L 2 x 20m

Weight Training (Power A)

High Pulls (clean setup)
5x5 @ 75lbs

Front Squat
5x5 @ 45lbs

5x5 @ 155

Hanging Leg Lifts

Happy Training!

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Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:48 pm

Master Masters Athlete
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Training is back in gear after Thanksgiving a rude introduction back into the Lactic Acid cycle - moral of the story.....find a way to put in some work while you are on vacation. I will post details of my training later tonight. I have decided to participate in the Blue and Silver Open (@ the Air Force Academy) on Dec 9 - will probably compete in the LJ and 60m dash. I still do not feel quite ready to go full tilt in the TJ. As BLL would say, just trying to Stay Healthy.

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