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Tue May 13, 2008 3:32 pm

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Hi Mike, I definitely decided I wasn't in shape enough to compete this year, at least not with the schedule we have this spring. Some very major time-crunches. We had to move, plus redecorate and furnish a large rental house in just 3 months. Long story, but I have zero extra time to train. All I'm doing is walking and lifting, just trying to build slowly. Also have several major family issues this spring. I know there will always be interruptions, but summer and fall will be much better for me.

I bought a pedometer today, am participating in a Woman's Walk Team Challenge....that will help some. I'm sorry that I can offer nothing inspirational right now. I do ask that you keep posting. It is helping me to read! Knowing someone is back at plyometrics is inspiring.

With our move, we're setting up a new weight room at home. I just bought a mini-trampoline. Have never been on one. I read somewhere that it might be helpful for an "old jumper" like me. I have no idea what to do on it, though. :?

Please do keep posting, if for no one else, then for me! Maybe your annoyed wife will find an event.... ? I know my old basketball-player husband will not be able to stand being at meets without competing. :D


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Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:53 am

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26 years since my last track season ... 49.1 open 400, 48.7 split (flying start) and 1:55 800.

44 now, been an avid weight trainer and weekend athlete for years, with a handful of 5K's sprinkled in there.

At 210 lbs and roughly 13% bodyfat, I've got some fat and hard-earned muscle to lose in order to meet my goal of competing in the Master's Worlds in Sacramento in 2011 in the 400. Goal is under 55.

This forum looks like a great resource in helping me get there.

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Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:37 pm

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Pretty cool to see such an interesting discussion!

As for me... tons of goals but not sure how my back will hold up. Being 35, I just want to continue to be able to be competitive in the various northern ohio college/open meets that let me in... as well as compete in my first age related competitions whenever one happens to be within driving distance.

I'm a javelin thrower but started doing a couple 5K's this summer just to feed my need for competition and also give me a tool to measure my overall conditioning.

Those of you in Ohio and surrounding states - where are you located?

I'm in Huron, Ohio

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Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:16 pm

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I threw the shot put at Hayward field last week. It was my first meet in that event since 1970 when I dislocated my kneecap throwing the heavy stone. I really sucked. I threw 6 feet less than one of my practice throws. However, I had a great time. I wish I had started 10 years ago.

I now have a ground zero performance and have nowhere to go but up (I hope). I am ranked 22 in the US in the shot put and plan to move into the top 20 by the end of the season. Those two guys in front of me had better watch out!

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:20 am

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Doc! I just checked the're going in the wrong direction. You need another meet.

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:36 pm

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Those four guys in front of me had better watch out

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Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:19 pm

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Still on track! Deadlifts are coming along great as a new addition to building the base. Just ordered a new pair of spikes for the coming outdoor season, but only plan on maybe a 60 and a 200 for starters this year. Buying the shoes, just helps solidify the comittment to drive on with my long term goal. Got a pair of NB SDS 1005's, a very sharp looking shoe. As everyone knows, sprinters are all about looking good! Plan on doing a lot of track work this year and to wind up 2009 at a good weight with a solid base so that 2010 and 2011 will set the stage for my top 5 finish in 2012.

2012 "Top 5" 200m & 400m M45

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Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:48 pm

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Good on ya Buckeye! There's definitely something motivating about buying a new pair of shoes, especially a new pair of spikes. I was in the new Nike store this weekend buying a present for my wife when I spotted the new Nike Zoom Victory spikes weighing in at a paltry 3.6 oz. Man did I ever feel like a kid in a bicycle shop. Good luck and keep on task!! :)

M45 PRs: 100: 12.04, 400: 54.83, 800: 2:23.5, 5K: 19:27

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:05 am

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I have been in the comeback meat grinder for the last couple years. I have been trying to get in shape in order to compete once again. last summer I tried to do everything right. I researched what must have been every training scale known to man. I settled on an 8 week to a 5k plan, bought new shoes from a person that knows what I need and started in as easy as I could. I followed it to the letter and after 2 or so weeks I had shin splints so bad I could not walk. That was last august/september. I re started the training plan with a different 8 week to a 5k and feel pretty good to this point. I just started my 5th week and am a bit soar but feel much better than last time. I have lost about 30 pounds since the first of the year but would like to go another 40-50 and I will turn 46 this August. My ultimate goal is to compete (indoor at first) in short sprints and maybe long jump. long story longer, how and when do I go about starting the speed part of my training or do I just hold off untill I get closer to my weight goal? I have been going to my sons college track meets and the smell of the field house and the close competition is getting me a bit more excited to do this. ANY help will be greatly appreciated.

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:17 pm

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Instead of an 8 week to 5K program, why don't you try a 6 month to 5K program, building very slowly. Maybe starting at two mile runs, and build slowly up to 4 - 6 miles with a longer run once a week.

for example you could start at two mile runs and slowly build up by increasing one run 1 mile each week :

week 1 off - 2 - 2 - 2 - off - 2 - 2
week 2 off - 2 - 3 - 2 - off - 2 - 2
week 3 off - 2 - 3 - 2 - off - 2 - 3
week 4 off - 3 - 2 - 3 - off - 2 - 3
week 5 off - 3 - 2 - 3 - off - 3 - 3
week 6 off - 3 - 3 - 3 - off - 3 - 3

When I started, I began with one 2 mile run the first week then did two 2 mile runs the next week, three the third week and so on and so on.
I am now running 30 miles a week and will hold this level for the remainder of my training, but will increase the intensity of my workouts.

off - 4 - 6 - 4 - off - 6 - 10

right now I run the 6 mile runs at a medium pace, while the others are easy.
I will soon switch those 6 medium pace runs to include a 20 minute tempo run, and a cruise interval run which will include 8 x 4 minute runs with a 42 second recovery.

I will hold that level for 6 weeks, and then turn to regular intervals and hold that for another 6 weeks until my track season starts this summer, where I will start doing speed reps on those days.

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:48 pm

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Personally, I don't run over 800M, and I do that for a warm-up. I'm doing a lot of heavy deadlifts right now and am cutting weight for upcoming track work. I also run 40 yard sprints in my yard when I can, sometimes even in snow and mud using a pair of soccer shoes. When I hit the track, I will run something like 50-50-50-50-100-100 all at about 70% for a month, and then start turning up the gas to just short of full-out for the next 60 days. Once I can open the gas tank to full throttle, I will do 50-50-50-50 full out and work some longer runs up to 600 for sprint endurance. There is no substitute for raw speed and power and it must be highly developed first prior to the speed endurance in my opinion. I know others may dissagree, but it works for me even though I'm an "old man". One thing for sure though is not to push for 100% too early, as last year I suffered THREE hamstring injuries that really set me back. This year, if can just get the weight down 15 or so pounds, avoid hamstring injuries and compete in one meet, I'll consider it a great year!

2012 "Top 5" 200m & 400m M45

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:06 pm

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You know your own body, so train the way you body best responds.
I am a little surprised that you only run up to 800 meters when you are shooting for the 400 meters. I would think that you would at least run 3 miles every other day or so, especially when you are trying to lose weight.
Coach Jack Daniels mentioned in a CD I listened to that 30 minutes of easy running is the level where you get the most bang for the buck for an easy run, after that distance, the benefits really level off.

My philosophy of running an event is to the the endurance to run the distance above it, and the speed to run the distance below it.
Later when you work on speed endurance, you might want to do ladders, building up to 500 meters or 600 meters.
100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100
You would run the downside of that ladder faster than you did building up.

For your hamstrings, you might consider running sprints up a steep hill.

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:32 pm

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I agree with hill sprints for bad hammys, but other than that I disagree with running distance for the goal of sprint racing. I agree with never running more than 800-mile at once (I need a mile to get loosened up on the warm-up jog). If the goal is first to lose weight, then possibly the distance running is the way to go. Then I would have to agree with the 6 month plan. 8 weeks is only enough time to safely lose about 10 pounds if you are training. This goes back to the old thread of long to short or short to long training for sprinting. I have done both and had success and failure with both. I have had no luck with running long distances and being able to transfer that to sprint races. Maybe you are an 800 runner?

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:02 pm

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I might try to incorporate some uphill sprints this year. I have been doing a slight incline in my yard, but it's not that steep. The long distance has never really been my cup of tea. I never seem to hold up to the constant pounding very well. Once I've developed good speed, I then try to apply it to distances of 300/350 when I'm training for the 200 and 450-600 for the 400. Once I can carry what I deem to be 70-80% of my potential for a 300/350 and 550/600, I am ready to run to my full potential in the 200 and 400. This seems to work best for me. This year I just want to get to where I can run full out with no problems and then compete in one 200. During the Fall/Winter, I hope to hold on to level attained and run 200 and 400's in the years leading up to 2012. We'll see what happens, maybe I only end up focusing on the 200, but time and my body will tell. At least I've got a plan!

2012 "Top 5" 200m & 400m M45

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:31 am

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I ran 800 and was back up on mile relay when I was young.
I had run a 1:54.7 800 and a 50.6 400.
In a summer meet once, I wimped out and stepped off the track in an 800 race with about 120 meters to go, I was really upset with myself, so I hopped in the 200 which was the next event and popped off a 23.6 which was my best time at that distance.
Last summer I turned 50 and raced for the first time in 5 years, trying to run the 1,500 and 800, but ended up with both hamstrings and one calf strained by the end of the season. I had started training in Feb of last year, and made it until June until I ended up with my calf strain, and then hobbled the rest of the meets, adding injury to injury.
I took off from Aug to October to recover, and started with a plan back in Nov.
This summer, I think I will focus on the 400/800. I am hoping to run around a 2:10 to a 2:15 800 if I stay injury free, and I haven't set any goals for the 400 yet, I have to see what speed I develop and how it feels to sprint, without straining things.

Good luck in all of your training, and try to stay injury free.

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