We’re history. Masterstrack.com hands baton to masterstrack.blog
The blog is dead. Long live the blog. This is my last post — No. 5,755 — on masterstrack.com. But not to worry. After nearly 20 years, I’ve birthed another blog at masterstrack.blog. (Not that catchy, but what the hell.) Why? For the sake of my semi-retirement. The new site will afford me new revenue opportunities. This site, “totally tweaked” by my late brother Loren (who went by Al), has certain infirmities. So I’m shedding this old skin and doing a butterfly thing. Watch me fly at the new site, where I expect to use new tools to better cover our beloved geezersport and comment on its crazy issues and characters. You can still post comments here (and there). You can still search old content. (I have to, since I’ve forgotten two-thirds of what I’ve written.) And you can still browse the old message board (which I haven’t explored in years. Sorry.) I hope you’ll continue joining me (and correcting me) on the new site. It’s dedicated to all you freaks-of-nature and fellow submediocres who cherish the sport of track and field.

My debut homepage on May 1, 2018. A labor of love. Please follow me there.
11 Responses
Will the ranking list still be accessible on this site, the new site or will it be moved somewhere else? In other words what links will still be active and where?
I guess this is not the end, as you say, but it is a good time to say thank you for all of the work you’ve put in to make something that I visit almost daily. I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment over the years from things you’ve written, and I really appreciate it!
Why change the domain? I am guessing to archive all that was done on this site? Just have a redirect after 10 seconds on this site to the new site…
Patrick, I considered a redirect, but I don’t want to confuse people or those who want to search this site or post a comment.
Rick, all links on this site (except some internal links from years ago) are still good. I’ll add external links to selected records and rankings on the new site.
Thank you sir..
Thank you Ken. I treasured this site since the days of Masters Mentor Dave Clingan. KP
Ken: I wish you the best with your new venture. Masters track people owe you so much. Keep us informed on how we can help you.
Thanks Ken, and hope the new platform makes it easier for you. I enjoy this site, seeing whats new, the rant and raves, and your slant on things!
Thanks Ken for your service to this sport, and enjoy your semi-retirement!
Ken (and Chris), we appreciate your efforts on this site and look forward to reading at your new place.
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