Masters Hall of Fame being spiked in the Big Apple?
USATF Masters T&F Committee Chairman George Mathews has a meaty column in the latest edition of National Masters News. I couldnât read the whole column in my copy, since my 10-month-old golden retreiver got to it before I did. For lunch. But USATFâs Web site came through, and I have copied it below. One dismaying report: The Masters T&F Hall of Fame, promised by New Yorkâs organizing committee for the 2007 indoors nationals, may not come to fruition.
Hereâs the column:
For many years we have been trying to create a Masters Meet Manual. Many attempts have been made. Much information has been accumulated. In our strategic planning, we recognized this ongoing, serious need and discussed who might finally be the person who could make this happen. Suzy Hess nominated Becky Sisley, in her absence, as a person who might be able to complete such a project.
When Becky was asked to take on this project she stepped up and dived into the project with gusto. With very little budget and a great sacrifice of time, Becky has produced our first Masters Track & Field Meet Manual.
It is a very significant document that will be a tremendous help in providing the guidance that local organizing committees need in putting on meets from low-key, grass roots through masters regional championships. This should truly provide the quality competitive experience our athletes deserve. The document is available at www.
Thank you, Becky, for a job well done!
Annual Membership
I appreciate the input that some athletes and association members are providing me concerning proposed annual membership increases. I understand that an increase may be a hardship for some members. We need to seriously consider all members.
I need to remind everyone that this is not my personal agenda or any other individualâs that I a aware of. I know your representative committee, the Masters Track & Field Committee, has supported an increase based on recognition of the need for funds to operate your Masters Track & Field sport committee for the athletesâ benefit.
The USATF Masters Track & Field Strategic Plan spells out what athletes want in the future. We canât achieve these goals without funding. Annual entry fees have been determined as the only sure way of raising the funds required.
Many have had great fund raising ideas in the past, but none has paid off. One idea may be to have a higher priced national membership and a local membership at a lower price. Masters Track & Field needs to have control of its destiny in this regard if we are to progress.
Masters Hall of Fame
We have recently learned that the USATF Hall of Fame at the Armory in New York City is possibly ready for the addition of the Masters Hall of Fame content. Thatâs the good news!
The bad news is that it may take into six figures to make the needed renovations. It may be possible to do it for less, but we donât have a budget for any of it. We are considering possibly selling the naming rights to the masters section of the Hall to someone who might be interested in funding the project. If you know of someone, please have them get in touch with me (see p. 2).
National Senior Games
Other news about the National Senior Games relates to their addition of the hammer throw and triple jump to their next championships in Louisville in June 2007. They will require verification of having competed in two USATF-sanctioned competitions between January 1 and December 31, 2006.
The qualifying standards for other events are on their website,
Indoor 56 lb. Weight
It looks like we have the first indoor 56lb. throwing weight. Thanks to Ian Maplethorpe of Jump Start Athletics, we have this implement for the Indoor Championships in Boston. Both Ken Weinbel and I approve of the implement which has been sent to Boston and which I will demonstrate there on Feb. 24.
I am also in possession of an outdoor 44 lb. weight that has been approved as a demonstration event for M50-69 during 2006. I am willing to ship it around the country for competitions. Let me know your date requirements.
Good luck to all competitors in the upcoming World and National Indoor Championships.
Me again:
Iâm very upset about the latest turn of events regarding the physical Masters Hall of Fame (as opposed to the theoretical one weâve had for a decade). In December 2004, USATF chose New York City to host the masters indoor nationals in 2007. One of the Big Appleâs selling points was a promise to have a Masters Hall of Fame in place at the National T&F Hall of Fame at the Armory.
Hereâs how I reported it back then:
âTom Buffalano, the Armoryâs marketing manager, did most of the talking for the bid presentation, which came second. Bostonâs Lee Hess presented his cityâs bid earlier.
âBuffalano began by showing a five-minute video focusing on the January 2004 opening of the National Track & Field Hall of Fame at the Armory, which is in the Washington Heights section of New York. The video was a time-waster, however, since it showed mainly youngsters running and jumping. Guest remarks on the video by Billy Mills, Don Bragg, Al Oerter and Chanda Cheesborough (all talking about how the Armory can get kids jazzed about the sport) were pointless in our setting as well. Oh well.
âBut then Buffalano began hitting some hot buttons, saying the Armory would be financially responsible for the meet (as opposed to the pauper USATF association), and talked about how the Armory gets city, state and even federal support. OK, cool.
âEars really perked up when Buffalano said that the Armory would âadd the masters legacy to the National Track & Field Hall of Fame.â Specifically, he pledged to âbegin a campaign to take inventoryâ (of masters memorabilia) and create an exhibit on masters track at the Hall of Fame by 2007 â and âto do a ceremony as befitting to masters as the Hall of Fame inductees last January.â
âOnly one problem. Did this mean that efforts so far to add a masters component to the Hall of Fame have been inconsequential? (Over the past several months, a flurry of behind-the-scenes activity has sought to make the National Track & Field Hall of Fame keep its promise to create a Masters T&F Hall of Fame exhibit, since none exists at the moment, even though the award has been made annually since 1997.)
âAnuther thing: Was this a subtle way of pressuring the USATF Masters T&F Committee into winning the meet â give us the 2007 nationals or kiss the MT&F Hall of Fame goodbye?
âA somewhat peeved George Mathews (the re-elected chairman of USATF MT&F) pointedly said: âI donât want to wait until 2007.â
âThankfully, Buffalano said straight out: âItâs not contingent on the bidâŚ. We want to to do it right. Letâs sit down and plan and get it done. We really want to make sure the masters are recognized.â â
Well, whatâs the scoop now, George?
Can you say: Bait and switch?