English grad student surveys masters on supplement use, benefits

Paul Astles, a graduate student at Leeds Metropolitan University in England, has reached out with an interesting request. Paul writes: “I am currently studying for an MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology and I am planning on undertaking my thesis around masters athletes. Specifically, the aim of my research would be to investigate attitudes towards supplement use (for example, the research asks questions about what supplements are taken, perceived health or performance benefits of supplements and sources of advice regarding supplementation). The data collection for this research is going to be an online questionnaire. (Here is the survey.) It is important that you read the first page of the questionnaire pack as this will hopefully answer any questions that you have regarding the benefits of the research. There are contact details on that first page should you have any further questions regarding the questionnaires or the research.â€

Here’s the first page of the survey:

What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of the study is to assess and understand Masters Athletes’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs concerning nutritional supplements.

Why have I been chosen to participate?
You have been chosen because you are either a Masters Athlete in regular training or have competed in the previous two to three years.

Do I have to take part?
No, participation in this study is voluntary and consent will be required before any data collection is undertaken. Your consent will be implied should you choose to complete the following questionnaire. You will also have the right to withdraw at any point without prejudice or coercion.

What will happen if I take part?
You will be required to complete an online survey. No personal information will be taken; therefore once the data has been collected there will be no follow up contact between you and the researcher. The data that you provide will be converted into a group average. Analysis on the data will consequently represent the group average and not your own individual response.

What are the benefits of taking part in this research?
By taking part in the study you will be increasing general knowledge in the field of supplement use. Currently, there is a weak evidence base on Masters Athletes and their attitude toward supplements.

What will happen with the results of the study?
All data collected throughout the study will be averaged before analysis; therefore none of the results will be a personal representation of an individual participant. Following analysis the findings will be presented as a research report. There are also plans for the report to be published in an academic journal.

Is confidentiality assured?
Although the results of this project will be reported and published, individual participant’s names will remain anonymous throughout the research. All data from the questionnaires will be stored securely on password protected computers, only accessible by the researcher. At no time will information be disclosed or data used for purposes other then that highlighted above.

What happens if something goes wrong?

In the unlikely event of you experiencing any problems caused by this study please inform Dr Steve Cobley immediately (Address: Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Leeds Metropolitan University, Fairfax Hall, Headingley Campus, Leeds, LS6 3QS; Phone number: +44113 812 3546; E-mail: S.Cobley@leedsmet.ac.uk) and we will immediately address your issue. The insurance policy of Leeds Metropolitan University, which applies for data collection at the institution, offers ‘no fault’ liability. Copies of this policy are available on request.

Who has reviewed this study?
The Local Ethics Representative at Leeds Metropolitan University has reviewed this study.

If you have any questions or require further information please contact Paul Astles (Principal Investigator) or Dr Susan Backhouse (supervisor) using the details below.

Contact: Paul Astles
Address: Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Leeds Metropolitan University, Fairfax Fall, Headingley Campus, Leeds, LSQ 3QS
Phone number: 0113 812 4684
Email: p.astles@leedsmet.ac.uk

Contact: Dr Susan Backhouse
Address: Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Leeds Metropolitan University, Fairfax Fall, Headingley Campus, Leeds, LSQ 3QS
Phone number: 0113 812 4684
Email: s.backhouse@leedsmet.ac.uk

Thank you for considering participation in the study. The information collected has important benefits, for education and understanding around the area of supplement use.

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August 25, 2010

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