Ida Keeling turns 101, stays focused on setting more world records

Ida Keeling moved deeper into W100 Sunday, when she turned 101. The Washington Post celebrated our poster girl for sprint longevity with a nice profile. “I feel that I’m still at it,” she’s quoted as saying. “I’m still picking up speed. I just go with the flow, go with what I have. That’s all I can do: take care and do the best I can with what you have. And I think I’m doing pretty good.” We also learn: “Indeed, she is not done seeking records. She and [daughter] Shelley will be going for more this summer in New York.” I posted a greeting on Ida’s Facebook page, urging her to stay in the game and shoot for W115 records, since we’re also marking the oldest human — and the last living person born in the 1800s.

A new perspective on Ida at Penn — which appeared in Sunday's Washington Post.

A new perspective on Ida at Penn — which ran in Sunday’s Washington Post.

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May 16, 2016

6 Responses

  1. Fidel Banuelos - May 18, 2016

    This new record from Tuesday might count for Guinness but will it count for USATF?

  2. Peter L. Taylor - May 18, 2016

    Fidel, at first I thought it was a hand time, but another article reported the time to one-thousandth of a second, and thus it must have been FAT. But think of the challenges here, Fidel:

    1. USATF sanction?
    2. Signature by referee. Which referee?
    3. Results of the zero control test (ZCT) performed that day. Was a ZCT even performed?
    4. Wind speed per the wind gauge operator. Did anyone get the speed?

    One interesting note: The media has already accepted Ida Keeling’s time as the record, not knowing that many, many legitimate records have been thrown out over the years. Oh, well.

    Even records set at the Penn Relays have been thrown out, Fidel, as you know so well. I should know, as I processed some of them.

  3. Peter L. Taylor - May 18, 2016

    Fidel, I was referring to Ella Mae Colbert’s recent race, of course, not to Ida Keeling’s. I was a witness to Ida’s record and everything went well, but that means nothing in and of itself.

  4. Ken Stone - May 18, 2016

    I’m writing to school officials for more details.

    Record would not be allowed on account of only one entrant. You need at least three.

    Why would organizers go to the trouble without checking rules?

  5. Fidel Banuelos - May 18, 2016

    Yep…that’s why I brought it up. Lots of record rules not being followed although we all know she is the fastest 100 year old.

  6. dave albo - May 18, 2016

    Sure do like this photo..”all eyes on Ida.” Kirby Lee for USA Today.

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