USATF Masters Hall of Fame nominations posted

I’ve been scooped! And I love it! Coach Ross Dunton has posted detailed information on the 25 nominees for the 2005 Class of the USATF Masters Hall of Fame, a.k.a. the Hall of Fame in Name Only. (No physical Hall of Fame exists yet, although a presence is promised at the National T&F Hall of Fame at the Armory in New York City.) Anyhoo, Coach Ross put in a ton of time into preparing a page with all the nominees. Shoo-ins for the Hall: Steve Robbins, Sid Howard and Charles Allie. Bud Held has a great shot as well. So thanks, Coach, and how are the world rankings coming along?

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September 23, 2005

One Response

  1. Dexter McCloud - September 26, 2005

    This is great! Anything that will garner additional recognition for Masters athletics has got to be a good thing.
    One question – how are the nominees selected? The National Hall Of Fame has a process where someone presents a short biography and/or reasons why the nominee should be considered.
    Do we have a similar process?

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