USATF Masters T&F Budget tops $132K; team manager gets $8K

Phil Greenwald is promised $8,000 as Team USA manager in 2014.

The USATF Masters T&F Committee has been winning budget increases in recent years, and in 2014 expects to spend $132,400, according to a budget document approved at the annual meeting and shared by national masters T&F Treasurer Carroll DeWeese. As recently as 2008 and 2009, our budget was $83,000 and $85,000. In 2004, I reported we got $32,000 from USATF. So we’re making progress (but well short of the money that masters tracksters pay in annual dues). As usual, the Jim Flanik-chaired Games Committee gets the biggest share — $30,000. This is the group that travels to indoor and outdoor national championship sites and makes sure the local organizers are doing their jobs. Other big-ticket line items are $8,000 for Team Manager Phil Greenwald (for travel to worlds), $8,000 for Bob Weiner’s Media Committee and the annual $5,000 stipend for National Masters News. The budget provided by Carroll doesn’t show sources of income, but most comes from Indy HQ. Be aware that national championship budgets are a separate affair. The Historical Committee chaired by Jeff Davison will get $2,000. Plans are afoot to post every issue of National Masters News from its inception in 1977 to about 2002. Stay tuned for details.

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December 13, 2013

One Response

  1. Jeff Davison - December 15, 2013

    Side note: Chairs of many of the sub committed are many times unpaid. In these cases they are in charge of expenses but keep none for them selves.

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